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I had some problems with bandwidth in a low-bandwidth office. Everybody denied using up the bandwidth, so I wrote this script and launched it on their PCs so I could see who was eating up the bandwidth.
- BWRep.au3
#Include <Array.au3> ; Check WMI network data thingy script Opt("TrayIconHide", 1) ; Base vars $FirstLoop = 1 $LoopMS = 10000 $LoopS = $LoopMS/1000 $DivideBy = 1024 ; Log Global $MainLog = "\\\log\bw\" & @ComputerName & ".txt" Func logPrint($text) ; No log? Create one + write. $StampFormat = @YEAR & "-" & @MON & "-" & @MDAY & " " & @HOUR & ":" & @MIN & ":" & @SEC If Not FileExists($MainLog) Then FileWriteLine($MainLog, "Log created: " & $StampFormat) EndIf FileWriteLine($MainLog, $StampFormat & " [" & @AutoItPID & "] >> " & $text) ; Return. Return 0 EndFunc ;==>logPrint $wbemFlagReturnImmediately = 0x10 $wbemFlagForwardOnly = 0x20 $objWMIService = ObjGet("winmgmts:\\.\root\cimv2") ; Fetching interfaces list to build an array $iflist = $objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT Name FROM Win32_PerfRawData_Tcpip_NetworkInterface") $iflp = 0 For $interface In $iflist $iflp = $iflp+1 Next ; Declare the interfaces array size of the $iflp + 3 subarray-entry-thingies ; Subarray explanation: 0 = name, 1 = LastUp, 2 = LastDown Local $InterfacesArr[$iflp][3] While 1 ; Fetch total bandwidth, used to calculate bandwidth usage since last X seconds $smart = $objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT Name, BytesReceivedPersec, BytesSentPersec, PacketsPersec FROM Win32_PerfRawData_Tcpip_NetworkInterface") If IsObj($smart) then ; Declare interfaces loop counter $IFLOOPCNT = 0 For $item In $smart ; If $item.BytesReceivedPersec > 0 AND $item.BytesSentPersec > 0 Then ; Getting data? Must be a valid interface. ; If $item.PacketsPersec > 0 AND !StringInStr($item.Name, "MS TCP Loopback interface") Then ; If $item.PacketsPersec > 0 AND $item.Name = "Intel[R] 82566DM Gigabit Network Connection" Then ; MsgBox(64, "pausefisk", "Interface: " & $item.Name & @CRLF & "Incomming: " & $item.BytesReceivedPersec & @CRLF & "Outgoing: " & $item.BytesSentPersec & @CRLF) ; If ($LastUp > 0 AND $LastDown > 0) OR $FirstLoop = 1 Then $InterfacesArr[$IFLOOPCNT][0] = $item.Name $TmpUp = $item.BytesSentPersec $TmpDown = $item.BytesReceivedPersec ; Set value $TUP = $TmpUp-$InterfacesArr[$IFLOOPCNT][1] ; Calculate total KB $TUP = $TUP/1024 ; Calculate KB/s $TUP = $TUP/$LoopS ; Repeating, just with down instead of up. $TDOWN = $TmpDown-$InterfacesArr[$IFLOOPCNT][2] $TDOWN = $TDOWN/1024 $TDOWN = $TDOWN/$LoopS If $FirstLoop <> 1 AND ($TUP > 0 OR $TDOWN > 0) Then logPrint("Down:" & $TDOWN & " - Up:" & $TUP & " - Iface:" & $InterfacesArr[$IFLOOPCNT][0]) EndIf $FirstLoop = 0 ; Place values in vars. ; $LastUp = $TmpUp ; $LastDown = $TmpDown $InterfacesArr[$IFLOOPCNT][1] = $TmpUp $InterfacesArr[$IFLOOPCNT][2] = $TmpDown ; EndIf ; EndIf ; Increment interfaces loop counter $IFLOOPCNT = $IFLOOPCNT+1 Next Else ; Do we need any output here? Perhaps some serverfeedback? EndIf Sleep($LoopMS) WEnd
The bash script I wrote to make a better overview for myself.
#!/bin/bash while true; do # Reset counters DLSTATS=0 ULSTATS=0 # Loop-de-loooooooop! :D for x in `ls *.txt | grep -v "DESOVD"`; do XNEW=`echo $x | cut -d'.' -f1` echo -n "CHECKING $XNEW --- " LOGDATA=`tail -n 3 $x | grep -v "MS TCP Loopback interface" | tail -n 1` #echo `expr length $LOGDATA` #exit if [ -n "$LOGDATA" ] && [ `echo $LOGDATA | wc -c` -gt 30 ]; then echo $LOGDATA TMPDL=`echo $LOGDATA | awk {'print $5'} | cut -d':' -f2` DLSTATS=`echo $DLSTATS + $TMPDL | bc` TMPUL=`echo $LOGDATA | awk {'print $7'} | cut -d':' -f2` ULSTATS=`echo $ULSTATS + $TMPUL | bc` else echo "ERROR, missing data - Sleeping 1 second to allow the PC to write data for next loop." sleep 1 fi #echo "TMPDL=$TMPDL --- DLSTATS=$DLSTATS" #echo "TMPUL=$TMPUL --- ULSTATS=$ULSTATS" #exit done echo "STATS - DL:$DLSTATS - UL:$ULSTATS" echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------" sleep 10 done
windows/autoit/bandwidth_reporter.1359630393.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/08/15 22:56 (external edit)