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Send a WOL packet to a machine via. AutoIT.
- CheckInPCWOL.au3
; Network broadcast address $IPAddress = ""; This is the broadcast address ! ; MAC address of the machine $MACAddress = "0000000000" ; Hostname of the PC $Hostname = "CheckInPC" ; Status variables - No messing with this! $SuccessFullWOL = 0 $LoopCount = 0 While ($SuccessFullWOL = 0) If $LoopCount > 5 Then MsgBox("WOL error", "Tried to start the PC " & $LoopCount & " times, but without success :(") EndIf UDPStartUp() $connexion = UDPOpen($IPAddress, 7) $res = UDPSend($connexion, GenerateMagicPacket($MACAddress)) UDPCloseSocket($connexion) UDPShutdown() ; Wait for the PC to boot, then ping it to see if it's up. Sleep(300000) $Pong = Ping ($hostname) If $Pong > 0 Then $SuccessFullWOL = 1 EndIf $LoopCount = $LoopCount + 1 WEnd ; =================================================================== ; Functions ; =================================================================== ; This function convert a MAC Address Byte (e.g. "1f") to a char Func HexToChar($strHex) Return Chr(Dec($strHex)) EndFunc ; This function generate the "Magic Packet" Func GenerateMagicPacket($strMACAddress) $MagicPacket = "" $MACData = "" For $p = 1 To 11 Step 2 $MACData = $MACData & HexToChar(StringMid($strMACAddress, $p, 2)) Next For $p = 1 To 6 $MagicPacket = HexToChar("ff") & $MagicPacket Next For $p = 1 To 16 $MagicPacket = $MagicPacket & $MACData Next Return $MagicPacket EndFunc
windows/autoit/wake_on_lan.1385626002.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/08/15 22:56 (external edit)