I needed to move an SQL server. As always I started out doing a small run'n'delete-script, but I decided to go all in and make it a bit user friendly and all that. The script grabs current users and packs them in a query. Then it dumps all the db's with mysqldump and imports it on the other machine via. SSH. Run the script on the machine you want to move FROM. Make sure that sshpass, mysqldump and pigz/gzip is installed. (Pigz = multicore gzip)
If you use it and make any changes, please send them to me ( Unfortunately comments and users are disallowed due to those retarded spam-bots always trying to rake in cash on every website, and I'm not about to spend an hour cleaning up this wiki once a week.
#!/bin/bash # TODO: # Write warning: sshpass 1.04 does not work. 1.05 required :/ # Add option to use another port than 3306 and 22 # DONE: # 2013-12-17 - Ignoring 'debian-sys-maint'-user when dumping privileges # 2013-12-17 - Flushing privileges at the end (to make sure new mysql permissions + passwords work) # Verify sshpass + mysqldump + pigz if [ "`whereis -b sshpass | awk {'print $2'}`" == "" ]; then echo "sshpass not found. Please install it - Install mysqldump while you're at it (mysqldump is needed on target too, sshpass is not)."; exit fi if [ "`whereis -b mysqldump | awk {'print $2'}`" == "" ]; then echo "mysqldump not found. Please install it. (Needs to be available on target too)"; exit fi # Get details echo "Let's move that MySQL! First a couple of questions:"; # gzip or not? echo " Would you like to gzip the sql dump? Good for slow connections, bad for slow cpu/lack of cpu cores" read gzipornot if [ "$gzipornot" == "yes" ]; then gzipmethod="pigz" if [ "`whereis -b pigz | awk {'print $2'}`" == "" ]; then echo "pigz not found. Would you like to use gzip instead?" echo "pigz is basically gzip using multiple cores, so it'll be faster than regular gzip on multicore machines."; echo "Write \"no\" to exit and install pigz, or \"yes\" to continue with gzip"; read pigzornot if [ "$pigzornot" == "yes" ]; then gzipmethod="gzip" if [ ! -f `whereis -b gzip | awk {'print $2'}` ]; then echo "gzip not found. You need gzip or pigz." exit fi else echo "Exiting. Please install pigz or gzip." exit fi echo "Moving on with $gzipmethod support in 3 seconds" sleep 3 fi else echo "Moving on without gzip in 3 seconds" sleep 3 fi echo " Would you like to sync the root mysql password too?"; read syncrootpwd syncrootpwd=`echo $syncrootpwd | awk '{print tolower($0)}'` if [ "$syncrootpwd" != "yes" ] && [ "$syncrootpwd" != "no" ]; then echo "yes or no please." exit fi echo " Enter the local mysql root password (chars will not be shown in the terminal)" read -s sqlrootpwd echo " Enter the remote mysql root password (chars will not be shown in the terminal)" read -s dstsqlrootpwd echo " Enter the destination ssh username" read dstuser echo " Enter the destination ssh password (chars will not be shown in the terminal)" read -s dstpass echo " Enter the destination IP" read dstip echo -n "* Verifying local mysql connection: " SQLCHECK=`mysql -N -s -u root --password="$sqlrootpwd" -e"SELECT 1;" 2>&1` if [ "$SQLCHECK" != "1" ]; then sleep 0.5 echo "FAILED" sleep 1 echo " ----------------------------"; echo "$SQLCHECK"; sleep 3 exit else echo "OK" fi echo -n "* Verifying remote ssh access: " SSHCHECK=`sshpass -p "$dstpass" ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no $dstuser@$dstip echo WORKING 2>&1` if [ "$SSHCHECK" != "WORKING" ]; then sleep 0.5 echo "FAILED" sleep 1 echo " ----------------------------"; echo $SSHCHECK sleep 3 exit else echo "OK" fi echo -n "* Verifying remote mysql access: " REMOTESQLCHECK=`sshpass -p "$dstpass" ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no $dstuser@$dstip "mysql -N -s -u root --password=\"$dstsqlrootpwd\" -e\"SELECT 1;\"" 2>&1` if [ "$REMOTESQLCHECK" != "1" ]; then sleep 0.5 echo "FAILED" sleep 1 echo " ----------------------------"; echo $REMOTESQLCHECK sleep 3 exit else echo "OK" fi if [ "$gzipmethod" != "" ]; then echo -n "* Using $gzipmethod - Verifying remote executables: " GZIPCHECK=`sshpass -p "$dstpass" ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no $dstuser@$dstip "whereis $gzipmethod | awk {'print $2'}"` if [ "$GZIPCHECK" == "" ]; then sleep 0.5 echo "FAILED" sleep 1 echo " ----------------------------"; echo "$gzipmethod not found on remote server. Please install it." sleep 3 exit else echo "OK" fi fi echo "* Fetching local user data" sleep 0.5 # Change the IFS from space to newline temporarily IFS=$'\n'; # Initialize array for usage in the loop below USERDATA=() # Grab user data for x in `mysql -u root --password=$sqlrootpwd -B -N -e"SELECT user, host FROM user WHERE user != 'debian-sys-maint'" mysql`; do UNAME=`echo $x | awk {'print $1'}`; UHOST=`echo $x | awk {'print $2'}`; if [ "$syncrootpwd" == "no" ] && [ "$UNAME" == "root" ]; then continue; elif [ "$UNAME" == "" ] || [ "$UHOST" == "" ]; then echo " NOTICE: Skipped line. Missing data. UNAME: $UNAME - UHOST: $UHOST" continue; else USERDATA+=(`mysql -u root --password=$sqlrootpwd -B -N -e"SHOW GRANTS FOR '$UNAME'@'$UHOST'"`); fi done # Build array for quick transfer ALLPRIVILEGES="" for i in "${USERDATA[@]}"; do ALLPRIVILEGES="$ALLPRIVILEGES $i;" done # Add 'flush privileges' ALLPRIVILEGES="$ALLPRIVILEGES FLUSH PRIVILEGES;" # Revert IFS setting unset IFS; echo "* Grabbing SQL data"; sleep 1 FEND="" if [ "$gzipornot" == "yes" ]; then mysqldump -u root -p$sqlrootpwd --all-databases -v | $gzipmethod -c > ~/sqlmigratedump.sql.gz FEND=".gz" else mysqldump -u root -p$sqlrootpwd --all-databases -v > ~/sqlmigratedump.sql fi sleep 1 echo "* Transferring SQL dump"; sshpass -p "$dstpass" scp ~/sqlmigratedump.sql$FEND $dstuser@$dstip:/home/$dstuser/sqlmigratedump.sql$FEND if [ "$gzipornot" == "yes" ]; then echo "* Decompressing SQL dump" sshpass -p "$dstpass" ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no $dstuser@$dstip $gzipmethod -d /home/$dstuser/sqlmigratedump.sql$FEND fi echo "* Importing sql dump on remote system"; IMPORTDUMP=`sshpass -p "$dstpass" ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no $dstuser@$dstip "mysql -N -s -u root --password=\"$dstsqlrootpwd\" < /home/$dstuser/sqlmigratedump.sql " 2>&1` echo "* Importing sql user data on remote system"; IMPORTPRIVILEGES=`sshpass -p "$dstpass" ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no $dstuser@$dstip "mysql -N -s -u root --password=\"$dstsqlrootpwd\" -e\"$ALLPRIVILEGES\" " 2>&1` echo "* Flushing privileges on remote system"; FLUSHPRIVILEGES=`sshpass -p "$dstpass" ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no $dstuser@$dstip "mysql -N -s -u root --password=\"$dstsqlrootpwd\" -e\"FLUSH PRIVILEGES;\" " 2>&1` echo " ----------------------------"; echo " Import done, please verify data." echo " ----------------------------";
bash/mysql_migrate_server.txt · Last modified: 2015/08/15 22:56 by